why I'm too lazy to work this month

So at the beginning of August, I learned that I wasn't one of the RareJob ambassadors. I honestly became sad and demotivated. I know I could have done better but I decided to balance work, YouTube, and personal life. Since then I just don't feel like teaching. If I don't work hard I won't have any savings. I don't want to live to work; I want to work to live. I miss the days when I can teach 15 hours on a Saturday or Sunday but I just don't feel like working that long anymore.

I know I will get past this but I don't know when. I hope that by September I can go back to working normally haha Ugh! Adulting is so hard but no one is gonna do the work for me so I should suck it up. Okay, now I'm motivated. haha Daling kausap.lol


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